Healthy doubles - guilt free pancakes

Switching to a healthy diet does not mean that you will need a whole new recipe book. Many of the all time favorites can be transformed into a slimmer version of themselves. I call these updates recipes - healthy doubles. I have been crating healthy doubles for several years and now I would like to share some of them here.

Let's start with a very easy adaptation of the common pancake. Luckily, someone has thought about this before me and turned it into a commercial product. Behold, the Coyote Pancake Mix (it has a howling taste):

As you can see this baby has all the right ingredients: wholewheat flour, flax seed, baking soda, a leavening agent and salt. All you need to do is add a glass of milk (or water) and an optional egg. I also found that the pancakes taste great with some raisins and walnuts added into the mix.

All that is left is to heat up the frying pan and cook the pancakes. They are great served with light jam, honey or fresh fruit. You can also try them with cream cheese or yogurt.

The manufacturers produce three different versions of the mix. You can find more information on their website. This mix is also easy to find, it is sold in Highland Farms, Longo and in many health food stores across Canada.
Bon appetit!

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