The organic jungle
In the last few years organic food became almost main stream, widely available not only in specialized health stores but also in large supermarket chains. The prices on products labeled organic are always larger than those of their "vulgaris" counterparts, often by a substantial amount. Not only the health conscious customers have to pay more they also have no true insurance that the items they buy are really an improvement over the usual deal. The regulations for organic farming provided by the government have lots of room for interpretation, which is inevitably exploited by money respecting businessmen. Moreover, not everything that is sold in the supermarket is bad for you. Some products do not really need organic twins. Navigating the organic market requires substantial amount of research and this here is my attempt to shed some light on this issue.
Organic meat - a good investment
If you are going to spend money on organic food and you are not a vegetarian, meat is probably the first item you should substitute. For an educational and detailed description of how industrial beef and chicken are produced you could read Michael Pollan's brilliant "Omnivore's dilemma" or "Animals in translation" by Temple Grandin. You could also watch Michael's movie Food Inc. (albeit Pollan is talking about USA I believe that Canadians are following their southern neighbors closely enough). Or you could just type "beef/chicken factory farms" in Google and go through the links and images the search engine found.